Keys to decorate a Montessori room for the baby

Keys to decorate a Montessori room for the baby

Have you considered creating and designing a Montessori baby room ? What furniture is the most appropriate? How can you fully mold your room to this philosophy?  

If you are not completely clear how to do it, do not miss this post , because we will tell you right away !  

Creating from scratch the space in which your little one will grow is one of the most important decisions of your life... and theirs . It may not be an easy choice , as you will find tips and advice everywhere you look.  

What are the basic aspects that a baby room must meet following the Montessori method?

The Montessori philosophy is based on the certainty that children acquire knowledge as a result of their own reasoning . This premise means that they must discover what surrounds them on their own.  

Meet Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy , in 1870. She received a medical degree and later trained in biology, philosophy, and psychology.

In 1907 he founded the first Casa dei Bambini in the San Lorenzo neighborhood of Rome. There he enhanced all his knowledge acquired by working and observing how the children who attended behaved.  

He created, without knowing it, the Montessori method , conceiving materials and activities that favored the self-learning of these little ones . In the same way, he began this journey by adapting the school to the children, so that they could develop their abilities on their own.  

Montessori managed to foster the independence of these children by enhancing their autonomy and turning them into balanced people capable of achieving what they set out to do.

The little ones in their first years of life are like sponges that absorb the knowledge that is presented to them. Therefore, their ability to learn is very high , in the same way as their curiosity about the things with which they interact .  

These transitory learning stages are described as sensitive periods . If what we want is for them to maximize these moments, we must carefully prepare the spaces in which they will spend most of their time.  

For all these reasons, the design of these places, called prepared environments , must be in line with three fundamental principles that you must not forget at any time:


simplicity . The simpler, the better. You must not forget that the Montessori room for the baby must be a space in which it is easy for him to move and orient himself . If you are thinking of a room full of furniture and toys for your little one, this philosophy is not for you.


beauty . One of the purposes of creating a Montessori-style room for your baby is to enhance and encourage their skills and abilities. If the decoration and the things that compose it are harmonious and beautiful , your state when interacting with them will be similar.


Order . This principle has to do with the need for the baby to know how to locate himself in his space, but also so that he is educated from an early age in the sense of order . This is an important benefit, as you will learn to leave things as you find them .

A Montessori-style baby room should be organized initially so that later , when your little one uses it , he knows where to find everything and can easily return it to its place. This will make you feel secure with every move you make.  

Alondra advises you

Use warm, neutral colors to set the stage for a Montessori-style nursery. This will create a calm environment that will relax your little one.

Make the most of natural light . This will help create that ideal atmosphere to apply the Montessori philosophy. A bright space will enhance the harmony you want to achieve.

Includes accessories to achieve a safe floor , such as rugs, cushions or softer tatami mats that allow you to walk barefoot and have freedom of movement. Install them in recreation or rest areas to avoid unwanted blows. This is a fun idea with which you can decorate any corner and, in addition, it will be another source of encouragement for your little angel.

Define the spaces of the Montessori baby bedroom

To follow these principles, it is also recommended to keep the four basic areas that your little one can use in his room defined and separated . These areas are rest, activity, personal care, and lactation or feeding .  

Montessori baby room area

But, you may ask yourself: " Do all these areas necessarily have to be inside the baby's room ?" » . The answer is no. However, the first three should be combined, since it will allow the little one in the house to have their own defined space and not go conquering the places that they will share with their parents ; ) .  

But, if your intention is to apply this philosophy from birth, you can buy a nursing chair and place it in your room. From Alondra we recommend our three favorite models: Glam , Sogno and Ergo .  

All have rocker or fixed position option . So you can use it in the long term and you will continue to enjoy its comfort for many years!

Conventional room vs. Montessori baby room

As we have seen, the Montessori space must be designed and designed to inspire and promote good habits and behavior in the little ones. For this reason, the room must be equipped with areas that promote the construction of their knowledge based on their own experiences. So, applying the Montessori method in the baby's room has to be a safe choice and with which you should act accordingly.

Montessori style baby room

  • It is an environment prepared to promote self-learning . The little one will grow respecting and caring for it and will form its personality based on it.
  • The role of the adult is to guide and discover the space for the little one . For this reason, each child sets his own pace of learning .
  • The Montessori philosophy involves adapting the room to this pedagogy. Over the years the space will have to be readapted to a more youthful environment .

Conventional baby room

  • The design and furniture is thought so that it has a prolonged use in time , until its complete maturity.
  • The little one will require more vigilance and care in his own room, so the adult must be present at all times.
  • There is the possibility of adapting the conventional room in reverse . That is, invest in a children's ladder , a learning tower and a children's bed barrier .  

Decoration keys for the baby's room with Montessori style

If you still haven't made up your mind completely, now you will have it very clear because you are going to fall in love with all our Montessori Alondra furniture and accessories! Do not stop reading and find out the essential aspects that your future room for the baby with Montessori style must have .

Rest zone

We will agree that the protagonist of any room is the bed. To apply this beneficial philosophy, the best thing to do will be to find a fun bed that is comfortable and attractive for your little one . This will be a place where you will want to spend time and where you will feel safe at all times.  

Alondra's advice

The recommended age to start using the Montessori bed is from the baby's 18 months . Each family is different and, in the end, you will decide what is best for you.

But, as a new mom, we understand that it can be difficult for you to detach yourself from your newly arrived little angel. To do this, we advise you to purchase a mini-crib or co-sleeping crib for the previous months . So you can keep an eye on your baby at all times.

Alondra's Montessori baby beds leave no one indifferent. They have a very peculiar style, since they simulate a wooden cabin. They are ideal for unleashing the imagination of the little adventurers in the house!  

There are two different models: the Homy and the Indy of 70x140 cm. But, if your intention is to extend its use to the maximum, the Homy has an XL big sister of 90x200cm .

Montessori baby beds Homy and Indy Alondra

As in Alondra we think of everything, our Montessori beds have a few centimeters of separation from the ground. The objective of this design is that, in addition to fulfilling its Montessori function, it protects from the cold of the ground that may exist in the coldest months .  

Montessori baby bed with height against the cold

The main thing about Montessori baby beds is that they are specially made for children to use as babies. For this reason , they must always be at their level . They have to be able to access them by themselves as this stimulates their independence and makes them more autonomous when it comes to going to sleep.  

On the other hand, they are very safe for children, since if they get out of bed in the middle of the night, they are not high enough to cause damage. Even so, at Alondra, because we know that daddies worry about any kind of bump, we have a Montessori Safety Guard bed rail as a protection option.  

And, as if that were not enough, we also have the protective roller cushion for Montessori . Depending on the size of the bed you choose, you must combine it in one way or another. If you are interested in learning more about these protectors, discover the keys to choosing them . 

activity zone

The furniture in this specific area of ​​the room is essential to correctly apply the Montessori method.  

Like all other accessories, they must be at your height so that you can reach them when you want. Again to achieve autonomy and independence when interacting with their belongings.  

To create an ideal activity area, you must condition that space with colors, patterns, textures , shapes , and even toys and elements that change their temperature so that they can give free rein to their creativity and imagination . The prints or vinyls on the walls achieve this atmosphere, as well as serving as a showcase for animals, landscapes or whatever your little one likes best!  

The essentials in this section are the Montessori children's shelves and the wooden table and chair set .  

children's furniture Alondra baby room Montessori

Alondra's Montessori-style Strato wall shelf has a front rail designed to retain your baby's favorite books. The main characteristic that this type of accessory should have is that it allows the books to face the little one .  

In this way you will always have the covers in sight and you will identify them quickly. The main purpose of these open shelves is that you can also have your activity materials organized . This is another way of promoting order-oriented education.  

For its part, the matching table and chair set is a desk in the shape of a house, which gives it a unique and striking touch. The matching chair will ensure that your little one's creative space is not lacking in detail.  

Another of the Alondra accessories that you can include in this area is the children's teepee - Indian hut that he can use as a reading corner, to play or, if he considers it, to lie down to sleep.


Tipi Indian hut Alondra baby room Montessori

Alondra advises you

Make beauty and art present in the Montessori baby room. Remember that music is also an important element.

Include a little plant, as long as it is safe for the little one, which he can take care of and water himself.

Install, if you wish, the reading corner as close to the bed as possible , with the books next to it. This will allow you to reach them comfortably and safely. Thus, to read before going to sleep, the journey from one site to another will be easy and short.

As for toys or creative materials, it is important that they are varied and that they stimulate your little one's senses. Prepare boats that you can manipulate with various scents and perfumes; materials with different touches, dimensions, colors, volumes and shapes or different instruments and sound boxes.  

Care and love for the environment is one of the objectives of the Montessori philosophy. Therefore, it is recommended that toys are made, as far as possible, with natural materials and fabrics. In this way you will also acquire the importance of living in a sustainable and respectful world with the environment.  

Alondra's toys are made of wood and are the most beautiful thing you can find! In addition, we have various forms depending on what you like the most, from an airplane to a motorcycle or a rocking horse or with wheels . 

wooden toys for baby room Montessori

personal care area

To complete the space of your baby's Montessori room , this area is necessary. In this way, your own care will allow you to become aware of yourself .  

To furnish this space, we recommend including the Alondra Montessori children's mirror for babies . It will be one of the safest you can find. Instead of using normal glass, it is conditioned with a methacrylate plate with a mirror-effect sheet. It is a more flexible and lighter solution than glass and is practically unbreakable .  

As for its Montessori adaptation, you have several options. You can permanently fix it to the wall horizontally, when it is smaller, or vertically when it is a little older.  

On the other hand, it includes a central bar that, in a horizontal position, will allow your little explorer to hold on and stand up. The railing can be set at three different heights, so that it adapts to the growth of the child .  

Finally, and to continue with the philosophy of educating in order, Alondra's Montessori hanging closet is perfect for your little one to hang and store their clothes by themselves. It has two adjustable heights for the bar and is a 3 in 1 . In addition to being a hanger, the base can serve both as a seat and as a trunk to store what you consider most appropriate.  

Mirror and wardrobe Alondra hanger Montessori style baby room

Alondra's advice

Adapt, as far as possible, the entire house so that your little one can participate in more activities outside of their personal space.

Solve this problem with Alondra's Montessori learning tower. The upper step can be mounted at three different heights and all steps have a non-slip surface. In addition, it contains a lateral and rear anti-roll system . Super safe!

Look how well the little one of our mommy Alondra @vidamia_acuario is having!

Montessori learning tower

Take advantage of this accessory to continue stimulating your little one's sensitive periods in the kitchen, for example, or to further encourage their personal care in the bathroom, to brush their teeth or their little hands.

Now you have everything you need to decorate and why not? develop all your creativity by designing the ideal Montessori baby room for your little one. Remember that the most important thing is to promote their self-development and that the room generates the harmony it needs. Forward! Unleash your imagination!  


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