
Es ist normal, Zweifel und Bedenken zu haben, wenn man Mutter wird! Wir bei Alondra wissen, dass eine Beratung in diesem Moment Ihres Lebens einen großen Unterschied machen kann ... Deshalb finden Sie in unserem BLOG viele Beiträge, die alle Ihre Probleme lösen. Kopf hoch! Schauen Sie vorbei und teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit ;)

Quincena del bebé 2021

Baby's fortnight at Alondra - Big discount on most of our products!

The baby fortnight (from 1 to 21 October) is the only time of the year when we offer very interesting discounts on many of our products and articles for babies (cot linen, furniture, deco, accessories...).
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habitaciones para bebés mellizos niño y niña

This is how interior designers decorate twin baby rooms for boys and girls

Doubts about how to decorate the bedroom of twin babies boy and girl are very frequent. For this reason, you cannot miss which are the decoration tips that are most successful and which colors are perfect to combine in this beautiful room.
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Camas cabañas infantiles para bebés

Children's cabin beds, the key to the room you always dreamed of for your little one

Discover the latest trend in children's cabin beds! The 70x140 cm Homy, 70x140 cm Indy and 90x200 cm Homy XL cabin beds in dark brown from Alondra are very stomping! Go ahead and get to know them a little more... They are wonderful!
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cuna Montessori en forma de casita

6 recommendations for choosing a Montessori crib and getting the most out of it

Are you considering educating the little one in the Montessori philosophy and wondering which is the best bed to do it? Get to know the Montessori crib Auna de Alondra in detail. It's a real pass! I'm sure that when you see her you'll fall in love almost as much as we do 😉.
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cuna-cama 70x140cm crea due

How to make the most of an evolutionary crib bed up to 5 years

Are you looking for a crib bed that offers your baby maximum comfort and that will last for a long time? Do not miss the CREA DUE evolutionary crib with which your baby can enjoy up to five years of age. Discover all its corners. Looks good, huh?
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lámparas de ratán para la decoración de habitaciones de bebés

Why are rattan lamps preferred by interior designers to decorate baby rooms?

Rattan lamps are an essential that decoration professionals constantly use in their interior designs. Now, with Alondra, you can join this trend. Come in and discover the new natural rattan lamps for babies!
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¿Será niño o niña?

Will it be a boy or a girl? Myths and legends about the sex of the baby according to the Mayans and the grandmothers.

Is it possible to predict the sex of the baby at home? In the following post we will tell you different traditional methods to find out the sex of the baby. According to the Mayans, the grandmothers... Come in and find out!
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2 muebles de ratán que lucirán genial en habitaciones infantiles originales

2 rattan furniture pieces that will look great in original children's rooms

One of the latest trends in decoration is the use of natural fibers and materials in different furniture in the house. We suggest you use natural rattan furniture for the children's room of your little treasure.
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El motivo para escoger una cama a ras de suelo para tu bebé

Why choose a floor-level bed for your baby?

Are you familiar with floor beds for babies and want to make sure they're a good choice for your little angel? Discover the benefits these cute little beds can bring. Adventure is guaranteed and your baby will have a great time!
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Rebajas de verano puericultura cunas bañeras ofertas bebé

[RANKING] The 5 things you should buy without fail in Alondra's childcare summer sales

Discover our wide selection of innovative baby products on sale at a great discount. In this wonderful stage for you, we know that you want everything to be perfect for your baby, at Alondra we will make everything easier for you, so take advantage of Alondra's childcare summer sales!
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que significa ser madre para ti

#Alondraquestion: What does being a mother mean to you?

From Alondra we want to thank and share all our love, affection and support to all the fighting moms and heroines on the planet. Because without them, our dream of filling babies' rooms with sweetness and comfort would not be possible. Long live the mothers!
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Camas infantiles bajitas con el sello Montessori

2 designs of low children's beds with the Montessori seal for a safe rest.

Low children's beds are a trend and, in addition, they provide multiple benefits to the little ones in the house. Today we bring you our selection of the best low beds for children by Alondra: the ILMOON and MONTBLUE models, which you will fall in love with!
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Nueva oferta cuna convertible Bubble Alondra K554

All about our Bubble Alondra K554 convertible crib on sale

Each month Alondra offers a discounted product so that you can purchase Alondra furniture at an irresistible price! If you are looking for your baby's room with the highest quality, design and reliability, don't miss Alondra's new bimonthly offer!
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Novedades Alondra en cunas de ratán

New collection of Alondra rattan cots, the fusion between avant-garde design and nature.

Do you want your baby's room to be trendy with a rattan cot as the main piece of furniture? At Alondra we are always chasing the latest trends, so we bring you our new rattan cots, so you can fall in love with them as much as we do!
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Sorteo conjunto Alondra y Crochetts

DRAW Crochetts + Alondra set, don't miss it!

Introducing our new friends from Crochetts! Come in and discover the DRAW that we have prepared for the whole community of Instagram followers ;) You're going to love it. Raffle valued at 256€.
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Novades Alondra en Feria Valencia Baby Kid Spain + Fimi 2022

We'll tell you how much fun we had at the BabyKid + Fimi 2022 Fair in Valencia!

We bid farewell to the Babykid Spain + FIMI fair with a very good taste in our mouths. The new rattan furniture novelties have been a great success among all the professionals of the sector who have visited our stand. Thank you all for your visit!
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Nos vemos en la feria Babykids + Fimi 2022 de Valencia ¿Te apuntas?

See you at the Babykids + Fimi 2022 fair in Valencia. Are you coming?

La feria Babykid Spain + FIMI 2022 está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¡Y estamos deseando enseñaros las novedades Alondra 2022! En Alondra vamos a ir, ¿y tú? ¡Toma nota! del 17 al 19 de febrero te esperamos en nuestro stand.
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¿Cuál es el mejor momento para que el bebé deje de dormir la siesta?

When is the best time for a baby to stop napping?

Napping is essential for babies and children, as it helps their development. However, as they grow older, nap times will decrease until they eventually disappear. Do you know when that time starts to come? Read on...
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Empezamos aventura en TikTok, ¡siguenos! @alondrababyrooms

We start adventure on TikTok, follow us! @alondrababyrooms

After a long time waiting for this moment.... We are finally on TikTok! From today you can find us as @alondrababyrooms. If you want to know the different real Alondra's rooms, follow us! We are waiting for you...
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Oferta del mes Enero-Febrero 2022 Cuna Convertible Sero Joy Alondra

All about our Sero Joy Alondra convertible cot on sale

At Alondra every month we have a convertible cot on offer. From the 1st of January until the 28th of February 2022 we will have the Sero Joy K559 on sale. If you've made it this far, you're in luck! Find out all about our TOP SELLING convertible cot...
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