Es ist normal, Zweifel und Bedenken zu haben, wenn man Mutter wird! Wir bei Alondra wissen, dass eine Beratung in diesem Moment Ihres Lebens einen großen Unterschied machen kann ... Deshalb finden Sie in unserem BLOG viele Beiträge, die alle Ihre Probleme lösen. Kopf hoch! Schauen Sie vorbei und teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit ;)
In this article, we will explain step by step how to wash your baby's cot linen effectively and without risk to your little one. So that it doesn't get damaged and lasts a long time, take note ;-)
Do you know the concept of the convertible cot for children? If there is one thing that characterises this furniture it is its versatility, durability and quality. At Alondra we always work with innovative ideas that help in the sweet experience of parenting and also help the little ones to feel at ease, comfortable and safe using our products.
Are you soon to welcome a new member of the family? If you want to have everything ready before welcoming your baby home, here are the ideal cot mattress sizes for you.
If you are thinking about furnishing your baby's room and you are looking for information about the most suitable types of furniture, you have probably come across the concept of "Montessori". In this post we take the guesswork out of it and explain what Montessori furniture is.
Looking for inspiration for your baby's room? We have selected 10 original, different and creative baby bedrooms that will change your ideas about decorating children's rooms. Will you join us to discover them?
You've been crying out for it, and here it is! We present the new model of convertible cot with height adjustable bed base: the INSIDE convertible cot, available in 10 different colour combinations. Do you want to know more about it? Come in and we'll tell you about it!
If you have a baby on the way and you are looking for a place to buy everything you need to furnish their future nursery, you have found your Puericulture shop in Madrid. El Último Koala shop has the entire Alondra 2022/2023 catalogue.
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