
Es ist normal, Zweifel und Bedenken zu haben, wenn man Mutter wird! Wir bei Alondra wissen, dass eine Beratung in diesem Moment Ihres Lebens einen großen Unterschied machen kann ... Deshalb finden Sie in unserem BLOG viele Beiträge, die alle Ihre Probleme lösen. Kopf hoch! Schauen Sie vorbei und teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit ;)

Alondra Store - nueva web

Discover the Alondra Store website

We recently announced the opening of our new Alondra store in Valencia, a new challenge with which we are very excited. In addition to having a physical presence, we also wanted to be online, so that you can visit us comfortably. New Alondra Store website!
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Apertura tienda Alondra Store Valencia

Opening of Alondra Store Valencia

Our desire to excel has led us to take a step further. And what was the result? Open our new own store Alondra "Alondra Store" in Valencia, specifically in Sueca. So, last Saturday May 2 we inaugurated it. And, it was a success!
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Feria Children Baby Maternity Expo en Singapur

Children Baby Maternity Expo in Singapore

Alondra has recently participated in the Children Baby Maternity Expo Fair in Singapore, from April 16 to 18, 2015. At this fair, many specialized stores in the sector and distributors have visited us and we have shown them our latest innovations in children's furniture and crib textile
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Nueva cuna convertible UP

New UP convertible crib

At Alondra we want to turn the dreams of the little ones into reality. That is why we have designed a unique convertible baby crib that converts into a loft bed with a playhouse at the bottom, so that the little ones in the house can enjoy playing! You're going to love it...
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Nuevos packs textiles cunas convertibles

New textile packs with a vinyl name as a gift for Alondra products

As of May 2, with the purchase of our children's products in packs we include a double gift that you are going to love! We say double because it is made up of a textile pack and some personalized vinyls to decorate the baby's bedroom. Don't hesitate to ask for yours!
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Nuevo Blog Alondra

We are launching a new blog!

Like children, who enjoy creating and telling stories, we also want to communicate our adventures, novelties and interesting news to all of you... For this reason, today we present you our new Alondra blog, with all the latest news about the sector, products and much more!
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Nueva Web Alondra 2015

Alondra launches a new website

On 28 April 2015 we launched our new website, where we present our full range of products. In addition, we have created it responsive so you can view it on all your devices with the greatest comfort and without missing any detail.

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Nuevo catálogo Emotion Alondra

Presentation of the Emotion Alondra catalogue

We have recently presented our new Alondra EMOTION catalogue full of novelties. The main collections that you can see in the catalogue on this website are: Art, Orbit, Up, Modular Play and new textile collections designed for you to enjoy with your babies.

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