
Es ist normal, Zweifel und Bedenken zu haben, wenn man Mutter wird! Wir bei Alondra wissen, dass eine Beratung in diesem Moment Ihres Lebens einen großen Unterschied machen kann ... Deshalb finden Sie in unserem BLOG viele Beiträge, die alle Ihre Probleme lösen. Kopf hoch! Schauen Sie vorbei und teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit ;)

CONCURSO - Habitación Alondra del mes ¿será la tuya?

CONTEST - Alondra's room of the month - will it be yours?

As you know, at Alondra we love it when you share your Alondra Rooms with us. That's why we want to reward your loyalty. The Alondra room of the month has a prize. Will it be yours?
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Cómo arrullar al bebé para dormir: 3 métodos para lograrlo con éxito

How to lull your baby to sleep: 3 methods to achieve it successfully

Discover how to lull your baby easily and safely to calm them down and get them fall asleep faster. It will be a piece of cake! We give you the keys to do it correctly, up to what age you can lull a baby to sleep and when NOT to do it. You can't miss it!

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Cuna convertible Sero Evolutive Alondra en oferta

All about our Sero Evolutive Alondra convertible crib on offer

You will find every month in Alondra a convertible crib on offer. From 1st November until 31st December 2021 the Sero Evolutive K502 convertible crib will be on sale. If you've come this far, you're lucky! Find out all about our Sero Evolutive convertible crib..
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Maxicuna de colecho: El 6 en 1 ideal para el descanso seguro de tu bebé

Co-sleeping cot: The ideal 6-in-1 for your baby's safe sleep

Thinking about co-sleeping with your future baby? At Alondra we have many kinds of cots, but today we want to highlight our Omni XL 6-in-1 co-sleeping cot 70x140cm Functional and practical! We tell you all about it...
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¿Quieres saber que tipo de madre eres? ¡Averígualo con un simple juego!

Do you want to know what kind of mum or dad you are? Find it out with a simple game!

Find out what kind of mum or dad you are with this simple emotional personality game! Come in and play our colourfulword search. The colour you find first will determine what kind of mum or dad you are...
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Novedades catálogo Alondra 2021/22

The 6 new products in the Alondra catalogue to create safe and beautiful environments for your baby.

Hellooo! We have great news for you.... The new Alondra 2021/2022 catalogue is now available! Cots, beds and many more accessories that you will discover little by little. For now, take a look at these baby beds!
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que hacer para que el bebé no caiga

[Alondra answers]: What can I do to keep my baby from falling out of bed?

We bring you a list of safety products that we use in the Alondra cot beds to make them the safest you can find. If you don't know what to do when a baby falls out of bed, take a look at these tips and stay calm!
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accesorios para el baño del bebé

The basic accessories to make the baby's bath easier and happier

Preparing the baby's arrival? Among many other moments, the bathroom will gradually become your favorite moment of the day. We bring you a list of baby bath accessories that you should have ready so that everything goes smoothly!

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como tapar a un bebé en la cuna

Do you know how to cover your newborn baby to sleep through the night?

Are you worried about how to cover your newborn baby to sleep at night? We anticipate that it is necessary, be it winter or summer. We tell you why and the best ways to shelter your little one with the Alondra sets. Experts in baby textiles!
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como pintar el dormitorio del bebé

How to paint a baby's bedroom? Helpful tips

How are you going to paint the baby's bedroom? Do you know what color? And what kind of paint to use? In the following post we answer all these questions, so that your baby's bedroom is beautiful.
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Habitació de bebé color verde agua

5 tips to decorate your baby's bedroom with aqua green furniture

The aqua green furniture is the best! At Alondra we have a lot of them to choose from. Find out how to combine the water green color, how to apply it in the baby's room and what are the most appropriate furniture to do it.
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Showroom muebles infantiles Alondra en Mallorca

KIDSHOME baby store, our Alondra Space in Mallorca.

If you are looking for professional advice in Mallorca to decorate and furnish your future baby's room, we recommend that you visit the Kidshome baby store to discover everything they can offer you in children's furniture.
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Cómo decorar el cuarto de juegos que todos los niños sueñan tener

How to decorate the playroom that every child dreams of having

Do you want to decorate a children's play room at home? We propose some ideas to ensure that the game room at home for your children is the envy of the entire neighborhood! Montessori accessories are ideal for this.
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Rebajas en Alondra julio 2021

Take advantage of the SALES on Alondra children's furniture in July!

Do not miss the SALES in Alondra for July! From 06/25 to 07/31 take advantage of a great discount on all our Alondra products. Enter and find out the details you need to know in order to enjoy this great opportunity!
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4 tips sobre la iluminación de la habitación del bebé que mejorarán su descanso

4 tips on lighting the baby's room that will improve your rest

Find out which is the best lighting for the baby's room and the possibilities that we offer you in Alondra for a wonderful stay! Baby lights are ideal for finishing the decoration of your room and defining various areas in the room.
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Consejos para saber cuándo pasar al bebé a su habitación

Do you know when you should move the baby to his room to sleep alone?

Are you thinking of moving the little one to his room? We tell you when to move the baby into his room, at what age it is recommended to do it and some tips so that this experience is sewing and singing! Enjoy its development with Alondra quality!
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Cómo desmonatr una cuna convertible Alondra

How to disassemble a 70x140 centimeter Alondra convertible crib

Do you have a convertible and would like advice on how to disassemble a convertible crib correctly? We explain the steps to follow to carry out the disassembly effectively. It's super simple! Do not miss it!
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cuna convertible de diseño Alondra en habitación de bebé

Manual for the design of personalized baby cribs with all the magic Alondra

Discover everything we can offer you in the design of unique and exclusive baby cribs. At Alondra we work with many materials, colors and textures so that your next crib or piece of furniture is super personalized and adapts to your tastes and needs.
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Ventajas y consejos para elegir una cuna convertible

Advantages and tips for choosing a convertible crib

With so many different types of furniture, it's not easy to find the perfect for the baby room, is it? Convertible cribs can be transformed into complete bedrooms to save on furniture that you won't use later, so check them out!
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Minicunas: 5 claves para una buena elección

Cribs: 5 keys to make a good choice

A good way to prepare everything for the baby's arrival is to focus on the crib that you will be using you during the baby's first months. Buying a crib is always a good decision if you want to practice attachment parenting.
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