
It is normal to have doubts and concerns when you are going to become a mom! At Alondra we know that receiving advice can make a huge difference at this time of your life... This is why in our BLOG you will find a lot of posts to solve all your concerns. Come on! Check it out and tell us what you think ;)
Minicunas: 5 claves para una buena elección

Cribs: 5 keys to make a good choice

A good way to prepare everything for the baby's arrival is to focus on the crib that you will be using you during the baby's first months. Buying a crib is always a good decision if you want to practice attachment parenting.
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¿De qué color pintar la habitación del bebé para crear un ambiente acogedor y bello?

What color to paint the baby's room to create a cozy and beautiful environment?

Choosing the color for the baby's room can be quite a challenge. For this reason, we bring you a review of the main colors and the most current trends to give the room the charm and magic that you are looking for. You can not lose this!
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Habitaciones infantiles para niña con encanto

Charming children's rooms for girls

At Alondra we know that choosing the perfect bedroom for your baby is not an easy task, which is why we try to make it easy for you. Once the baby is born, your room will be the place in the house where the most important and wonderful things happen.
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Aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir habitaciones infantiles

Important aspects to take into account when choosing children's rooms

Children must change the crib for the bed from 2 years of age. At this time, doubts begin to arise about what criteria must be taken into account when choosing the best children's room. We offer you the best of the best for your children.
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Cómo vestir la cuna del bebé para primavera

How to dress the baby's crib for spring

To dress the baby's crib and decorate your baby's room to the maximum detail, Alondra textiles are perfect. The safety and comfort of the little ones is very important to us, so you will not have any problem. Whatever you choose, you will be right!
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Sero Joy, la cuna convertible en cama nido que crece como tu hijo

Sero Joy, the convertible crib in a trundle bed that grows with your child

The Sero Joy convertible crib in trundle bed is one of the most precious jewels in Alondra. You will be surprised to see everything it hides and, above all, what it can offer you and your little angel. Quality, safety and functionality. It is a wonder!
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¿Sabes a qué hora debes acostar a tu bebé?

Do you know what time you should put your baby to bed?

Bedtime for the baby is a matter that depends on two factors: the age of your little one and the time he needs to be ready for a new day. We tell you all this and more so that you can go from being a new mom or dad to an expert!
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5 ideas para decorar la habitación del bebé con estilo nórdico

5 ideas to decorate the baby's room with a Nordic style

Get a Nordic baby room with these great ideas to create the most magical environment for your little one. The decoration and the combination of furniture will be your great ally. And remember that beauty is found in the simplicity of things.
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SORTEO especial Día Internacional de la Mujer

International Women's Day special GIVEAWAY

Discover the super special International Women's Day GIVEAWAY! At Alondra we support and believe that the fight for the rights of all women in the world is something of vital importance. Fight with us and participate to make the cause visible!
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[Alondra responde] Cómo preparar el primer baño del bebé

[Alondra responds] How to prepare the baby's first bath

The baby's first bath is a question that brings up all new moms and dads in the world. The uncertainty you feel is very normal! But, to begin with, we bring you everything you need to know how to give your baby his first bath.
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Las influencers te cuentan por qué optaron por la cuna transformable para su bebé

The influencers tell you why they chose the transformable crib for their baby

The most influential mommies in the country have chosen Alondra's transformable crib for their little ones' rooms. Its style, its functionality and its design made them fall in love at the moment and we will tell you everything. And you? Do you want an influencer cradle in your home?
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El antes y el después del dormitorio de un bebé recién nacido

The before and after of a newborn baby's bedroom

Get inspired by this beautiful transformation of a newborn baby's bedroom! With the colors, decoration and furniture you can create a magical and unique atmosphere. At Alondra you will find the furniture you need for your baby's bedroom.
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Medidas cunas colecho evolutivas

Evolutionary co-sleeping cots measures

Discover the best Alondra co-sleeping cribs! Design, versatility and durability define these cribs that you will fall in love with for sure! If you want to practice safe co-sleeping with your baby, but you don't know which is the best crib, here are all the details!
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[Alondra Responde] ¿Cuándo es el momento de pasar de la minicuna a la cuna?

[Alondra Responds] When is the time to move from the crib to the crib?

Babies grow so fast that we must adapt to their changes in the best possible way. If you want to know when to switch your baby from a mini-crib to a crib, we will tell you everything you need to know! With Alondra's cribs the transition will be a guaranteed success
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Camas infantiles Tipi: así son las camas preferidas de los niños para dormir

Tipi children's beds: these are the preferred beds for children to sleep in

Turn the moment of going to bed into the most fun and magical situation of your little one's day! If your child is lazy and has a hard time going to sleep, these Montessori tipi beds are for him. Discover all its features and benefits. You will fall in love!
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Cómo elegir el colchón para la cuna del bebé

How to choose the mattress for the baby's crib

The baby crib mattress is a priority when buying what the little one will need. Invest in rest to ensure your health and safety!
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¿Qué medidas tienen las cunas convertibles?

What measurements are convertible cribs?

What are the measurements of the convertible cribs? Will I have enough space in my little treasure's room? We tell you in detail the dimensions of the Just and Sero Alondra convertible cribs. They are the best investment for the life of your baby!
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Cómo abrigar a un bebé para dormir por las noches

How to wrap a baby to sleep at night

How to shelter a newborn baby is one of the most frequent and important questions for first-time parents. For both winter and summer, at Alondra we have the solution with our extensive range of textiles. Don't miss them!
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[Alondra Responde] ¿Cuándo y cómo preparar la habitación para la llegada del bebé?

[Alondra Responds] When and how to prepare the room for the arrival of the baby?

When to start preparing the baby's things? How should I organize everything? These doubts are quite recurring in moms and dads who are expecting a little angel at home very soon. If these questions arise, we give you the keys to leave you nothing!
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#Alondra2021: Te presentamos la cuna evolutiva con techo de casita Montessori

#Alondra2021: We present you the evolutionary cradle with a Montessori house roof

Don't miss another of the #Alondra2021 news! The Montessori house evolutionary cradle is another of our best kept treasures. A co-sleeping crib that arrives this year to offer you the best of Alondra: unbeatable quality, functionality and design!
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