INBORN CRIB co-sleeping crib: the bloggers have their say!

Do you already know the latest novelty of Alondra's 2016? Alondra has attended various childcare fairs to present the new INBORN CRIB co-sleeping crib , and many bloggers who are experts in childcare have been able to discover it and give their opinions about it. In the following post we compile their impressions so that you can find out the opinions that blogger moms wrote after the IFEMA Fair in Madrid.

Not without my children Blog

“The mini co-sleeping bed from the Alondra brand. It is a great option if you prefer wooden furniture. It adapts to the parents' bed and can be separated during the day. But the great asset of this mini-cradle is that it is convertible. Being realistic, the truth is that the mini-cradle is used for only a few months, so the option of later turning it into a desk is a great way to continue taking advantage of it and thus amortize the investment”.

Painting a mom blog of moms and kids


Alondra : her 3-in-1 Inborn Crib convertible mini-cradle is amazing, mini-crib, co-sleeping crib and desk, don't lose sight of her!”

opinion blog painting a mother co-sleeping crib INBORN CRIB

Blog tag itches me

"From Alondra I would highlight this co-sleeping crib that I found very practical."

Cinnamon bag blog

"And for those of you who, like me, like to co-sleepe with your children, you will love this convertible novelty from Alondra . This mini crib can also be used as I said for co-sleeping and, in addition, as a desk for children. It seems like a very versatile solution for a product that normally only has a few months of use, don't you think?

mini crib INBORN CRIB opinion cinnamon bag

blog mommy tricks

“Co-sleeping beds are back. We have found at this fair a large number of companies that adapt cribs to the parents' bed to encourage attachment”.
Inborn crib review mommy tricks blog

We hope you liked the post about the reviews of the blogger moms about Alondra's INBORN CRIB co-sleeping crib. Once again, we thank each of them for their comments and dedication. It was a great experience meeting them at the Fair!

We hope you like it as much as they do!

See other options for co-sleeping cots .


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