[Alondra Responds] When and how to prepare the room for the arrival of the baby?

When and how to prepare the room for the arrival of the baby

At Alondra we know that preparing the baby's room is one of the most exciting things that future moms and dads will have to do before the birth of their little one . However, this task can lead to moments of stress and excessive fatigue for mothers. 

For this reason we want to make the process easier and provide you with the information and ideas you need to have everything ready for your arrival.

When to start preparing the baby's things?

One of the most common moments to condition and prepare the little one's room is when you know the sex it will have . Nowadays , this detail matters less and less. However, from that day on you may begin to feel more like starting the preparation process. 

Every mom is different, but, as a general rule, they all experience the so-called nest syndrome . This is nothing more than the natural need that the mother feels to have everything ready, comfortable and safe for the arrival of the newborn. 

If you feel this need a little later, the preparations can wait a little longer and nothing happens! 

So... what week do I start preparing the baby's room?

Later in the pregnancy, many moms start preparing the baby's things at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy and the beginning of the third . That is, from the fifth month of gestation, between weeks 17 and 20, approximately. This is a good time, since from this month you may find yourself with more energy and tranquility. So you can channel all your desire through the preparations. 

Starting the preparation during this period will allow you to finish it in the seventh month of gestation , approximately. Then it will be when you should slow down your pace of life a bit to take care of yourself and pamper yourself as much as you can . It will be time to delegate and put the batteries to your partner and the people around you! ;).

How to prepare the baby's room?

Next we will review the essentials to take into account to prepare your baby's room. So... take it easy and plan the time you have. It will be wonderful!


As far as possible, try to make your room one of the largest in the house . This will allow you to play with the decoration and the storage space, not only for when the little one is born, but throughout his life.

when to start preparing baby things

On the other hand, try to choose a room with good natural lighting and ventilation . In the event that your room is not very large, if it receives a good amount of light it will make it seem more spacious and spacious . In this case, professional advice for a small baby room will make all the difference.


Choosing the colors of the room well is very important. As you know, each shade provides a series of different benefits and can influence people's mood . Shall we review them? 

  1. Neutral colors are a good option, as they will provide a sense of calm and, apart from that, they can give an impression of spaciousness and light. Greys, whites and earths in different shades are the most chosen. If you decide on this option, try to combine them with colorful elements that add character and personality to the room.
    prepare baby room colors
  1. Greens and blues are the colors that bring the most benefits. Green, the color of nature, is ideal for improving concentration and brings peace of mind. Blue, for its part, relaxes and decreases stimulation, so it helps to rest better. Yes indeed! Make sure that the shades you choose are not too dark , they can become gloomy colors!
  2. Violet tones are other star colors for the children's room. They may not be the most chosen, however, they may be the best choice . Purple provides a harmony between energy and serenity , so it achieves a perfect balance in the room.
  3. Pink colors are calming and give a feeling of solidarity and humanity. Pink reaps some benefits from the color red, but reduces the excessive stimulation it causes. For this reason, red and orange colors are not recommended , as they can generate anxiety or anger caused by the powerful energy they give off.
  4. Yellow is also one of the most chosen because it is one of the most neutral, which promotes motivation and concentration . However, the best thing to do will be to choose a shade that is not very bright, otherwise it can cause frustration.

After this brief review, we can only advise you that one of the most successful formulas for decorating the child's room is the combination of colors . Depending on your tastes, you can create a perfect balance of emotions for the baby and for you. Mix dark colors with neutrals, and leave the most striking accessories for the accessories . 

Alondra advises you  

Personalize the baby's room with painted or vinyl themed murals . They are a very modern and fun option. And, aside, they can give those touches of color in more neutral environments.

Lighting and baby safety

For general lighting in the newborn's room, the installation of sconces that regulate the intensity of the light is becoming more and more common . This option is ideal for creating different atmospheres and situations for every need you have. 

The lamps are also a perfect complement to generate and differentiate spaces . At Alondra we have various children's lamps: tabletop , wall , ceiling or floor . With them you can create unique details in your little angel's room. 

when to prepare the baby's things lighting

Alondra's advice  

Install a floor lamp near your lactation area to have light as close at hand as possible. In this way, you can turn it on to better control the baby's feeding and turn it off when you are more relaxed and it is no longer necessary.  

To ensure maximum safety for your little one, install the plugs as high up as possible . If these already have a fixed position in the room, you can choose to cover them and ensure that your little one does not touch them . When he is a little older, he will start running around and will want to discover his personal space by himself.


The furniture that will make up the perfect room for your baby is the most important decision you will make . Therefore, you should take into account various issues. 

Alondra advises you  

Ask your furniture supplier for the estimated delivery time at home . It will be a very important piece of information so as not to leave this matter for the last minute. The accumulation of tasks and seeing the baby's room to finish in your last months of pregnancy could cause you more stress or overwhelm than necessary .

You can, for example, make a smaller investment and then change the child's furniture for when he is older. Or, on the contrary, initially invest a little more in convertible furniture that adapts to the various stages of growth of your baby. 

That will depend on your tastes and possibilities. However, we are going to propose a series of options, all equally valid. What you should be clear about is that it is very important to mark and differentiate the various spaces or areas that will complete the baby's stay. Let's go in parts...

Rest zone

Babies are experts at sleeping and dreaming. And, since they are the greatest treasure in the house, they deserve the best to provide them with the necessary rest. Your bed will be the most important thing in your stay. 

To choose the perfect little bed you must take into account two variables: the space available and whether or not you want to practice co-sleeping . At Alondra we propose three options that include these two characteristics:

preparing the baby's room OMNI cot 60x120 cm

1 Co -sleeping cot 5 in 1 OMNI 60x120 cm . If you consider the possibility of co -sleeping , you should make sure that it is a safe alternative. Alondra's OMNI crib will serve you both to install it in the little one's room, and to move it around the house or through the parents' room thanks to the wheels it incorporates.

The question of mobility is important because during its first months you should always keep an eye on it. And if, in addition, you add the benefits of a transformable crib... You will have made the right choice! 

Campaign Discover the best co-sleeping crib to improve mobility in the room! 

If you prefer a crib without wheels, the 60x120 cm Nexor 4-in-1 co -sleeping crib will be perfect. In addition to offering you four possibilities of use, it has one of the most elegant designs in our catalogue. 

2 Premium Kurve cot-bed-desk 70x140 cm . This can be a good option to combine the functionality of the furniture with the vanguard in design . After its use as a crib and children's bed, you can transform it into a 80x146 cm desk. So perfect and beautiful that you will want it for yourself!

prepare the room for the baby cot Premium Kurve

On the other hand, the OMNI 6 in 1 70x140 cm crib is one of our most complete pieces of furniture . Due to its size, it offers more possibilities of use than other cribs. 

In addition to being a co -sleeping crib , conventional crib, bed, sofa or children's desk, it can also be transformed into a Montessori bed, and provide your little one with the ease and independence they will need as they grow older. 

3 60x120 cm convertible cot or 70x140 cm convertible cot . This option is the most appropriate if you consider making a strong initial investment that covers your baby's entire life until he is of legal age.

how to prepare the baby's room convertible crib Sero Joy 70x140

The benefits of this type of crib are diverse, since from the outset they concentrate the crib, the changing table and the chest of drawers. But, once your son or daughter needs a larger room, the 70x140 cm convertible crib transforms into a 90x200 cm bed, a nightstand, a desk and a book shelf on wheels .

Alondra's advice  

At Alondra we recommend using the 50x80 cm EQUO co - sleeping crib for the baby's first months. This little bed is perfect for the newborn due to its size and because, thanks to the wheels, it allows you to always have it close .

lactation area

Nursing chairs are a great ally for moms when it comes to feeding their little ones. Whether for breastfeeding or bottle feeding, a good nursing seat will provide you with the comfort you need and will make you both relaxed and sooo comfortable ! 

prepare the baby's room nursing chair

At Alondra we have three different nursing chair models: Glam , Sogno and Ergo . Apart from the armchair, they also have the option of a rocking chair , and the best thing is that with its beautiful design they will be ideal in any part of the house once the little one stops breastfeeding. 

Campaign Find out the 6 characteristics that a good nursing rocking chair must have!

toilet area

In this space you can locate a chest of drawers, a closet and, if it is more practical for you, a mobile bathtub. The important thing about this area is that it includes all the space you need to store the little one's clothes and to store diapers, creams, colognes and everything you have for their personal hygiene. 

Alondra advises you  

Keep in mind that, when he is very small , you will need to have all his things more at hand . It is not recommended to have everything on one side, because it will make it difficult for you to change and clean it.  

From Alondra we propose: 

1 The Scandi wooden changing table . This piece of furniture is one of the most practical accessories, since the drawers have a Push - system , which allows them to be opened just by pressing them . In this way, you will be able to activate them even juggling to keep your little one still to be able to change it ;).

how to prepare the comfortable scandi baby room

The large Scandi wooden children's wardrobe , matching the chest of drawers. When you choose the wardrobe, make sure that it has different storage areas and different ways to store your things . The more varied the storage method, the more possibilities you will have for storing clothes and accessories in the room.

prepare the room for the baby Scandi wardrobe

Our Scandi wardrobe has a hanging bar, a height-adjustable shelf and two drawers with Push-system . 

3 White furniture-bathtub-changer Kubo . This type of furniture is very practical and comfortable for bathing the baby and keeping it under control at all times . Also, once you stop using it as a bathtub, it will be perfect as a chest of drawers, where you will have extra storage space.

prepare the baby's room Kubo bathtub furniture

Game Zone

prepare baby room tipi cabin Alondra

What would the little one's room be without a space thought out and designed especially for their funniest moments? Creating play areas for babies is very important so that little by little they get to know the world around them .

At Alondra we present our essentials for your little angel to let their imagination run free and have a great time discovering their own space. 

1 Tipi hut of Indians . This wonderful accessory is perfect for giving your baby the autonomy they need when playing . It can be your most comfortable and fun hideaway, where you are sure to have a great time whenever you want a little more privacy.

To this space you can add a sack of toys to store their things near the teepee. It will be a piece of furniture that the baby will have access to whenever he wants. 

2 Wooden rocking horse . Apart from being the classic toy that every little one should try sometime, its design possibilities in different colors will make it the ideal complement with which to spend fun playtime. If you prefer a basic, but less classic toy, at Alondra we have several super cute wooden toys .

wooden toys for baby room Montessori

3 Montessori children's shelf . Whether or not you decide to practice this philosophy, our bookshelf is specially designed so that little ones can access their books on their own. Its design allows you to leave the materials facing them, so that they will be able to pick up and store everything on the shelf without having to ask for help .

Prepare baby room Montessori bookshelf

The possibilities to prepare the baby's room are endless. Shuffle your own times and your possibilities, however you must not forget that your health and that of the baby is paramount. So, start preparing as a family, they will be wonderful and unforgettable moments! 


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