Growing with your baby!

Tu tienda de cunas colecho para bebés

¿Estás pensando en practicar colecho con tu bebé? ¡Lo que necesitas es una de nuestras cunas de colecho evolutivas! Disponemos de varios tamaños y modelos, convertibles 4en1, 5en1 o 6en1 ¡Para que elijas la que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades y a las de tu bebé!

¿Qué característica tiene una cuna para practicar colecho?

Dentro de la crianza, el colecho es una práctica muy frecuente entre los futuros papás, ya que tiene múltiples beneficios para todos. El colecho seguro consiste en que el bebé duerma junto a los padres en una cuna pegada a la cama de matrimonio. Las cunas sidecar o colecho tienen unos componentes y unas características específicas que permiten tener la cuna pegada a la cama grande de la forma más segura. Esto permitirá que el bebé tenga su espacio y un entorno de descanso pensado y diseñado para él o ella.

En el mercado encontrarás un montón, con diferentes funciones, medidas y diseños. A continuación encontrarás más información sobre los tamaños disponibles en Alondra, así como sus etapas de conversión.

Co s-leeping cots

Find out what our customers think!

Evolutive cot, for those looking for comfort and design

Alondra's 60x120cm co-sleeping cots are 2in1: cot and desk, but they can be converted into up to 3-4 more stages, depending on the accessories purchased.

The OMNI co-sleeping cot is 5in1 (co-sleeper, bed, sofa and desk) and is available in 6 different colours, so you can choose the one that best suits your tastes and your baby's room.

The NEXO co-sleeping cot (4in1) has four different possibilities of use that allow you to extend the life of this practical 60x120cm cot-desk that can be converted into 2 more stages: co-sleeping and cot.

Cuna de colecho grande 70x140cm

For those looking for durability and functionality

The OMNI XL cot by Alondra is the older sibling of the OMNI cot. Its size is 70x140cm and it will grow with your baby up to 6 different stages. The co-sleeping cot can be converted into a toddler or Montessori bed, couch or desk.

Like the rest of our co-sleeping range, OMNI XL cots are a crib and desk by default. The number of stages will vary depending on the accessories purchased.

The OMNI XL cot is available in 6 different colors, so you can choose the one you like best for your baby's room.

FAQs co-sleeping cots

There is no problem at all! You will simply have to lift up the bed base or box spring to fix the straps under it, instead of fastening them to your bed base.

In all our co-sleeping cots the bed base can be adjusted to 5 different heights. At Alondra we recommend using the same height as your bed mattress, so the baby will be at the same height as you. The safety rail is locked in place.

It is really important that the co-sleeping cot is well fixed to the parents' bed to prevent the baby from falling and to avoid possible accidents. Our cots include simple systems to fix the co-sleeping cot to the parents' bed that will allow an easy fastening, will secure the baby and will avoid all kinds of accidents.

Furthermore, there should be no gap between the cot and the parents' bed. The cot is fixed to the bed by means of a series of strapes that hang below the cot and are tied around the mattress base of the parents' bed, tightening to achieve the maximum degree of fixation and safety, with the cot firmly attached to the parents' bed. This ensures that the baby, no matter how much is moving, will not have enough strength to move the cot and the bed and fall through the gap. There are also wheels included, with a braking system that help to secure the cot to the ground and prevent it from moving. They are not only used to secure the cot to the floor and make it safer, they are also used to move the cot around the house.


They make breastfeeding and feeding the baby easier: the co-sleeping cot prevents the mother from having to get up to feed the baby at night, simply by placing the baby on the breast when he wakes up.

Improves parents' rest: related to the previous point, by sleeping practically in the same bed, they will avoid having to get up to the baby's mini-cradle every time the baby wakes up at night.

They offer greater safety: with a co-sleeping cot, the baby is guaranteed a place to rest, next to their parents, but not in the same bed as them.

Do you have an Alondra co-sleeping cot?

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