
C'est normal d'avoir des doutes et des inquiétudes quand on va devenir mère ! Chez Alondra, nous savons que recevoir des conseils peut faire une grande différence à ce moment de votre vie... C'est pourquoi dans notre BLOG vous trouverez de nombreux articles pour résoudre toutes vos préoccupations. N'hésite pas ! Jetez-y un coup d'œil et dis-nous ce que tu en penses ;)

recomendaciones de pediatras cunas de colecho bebé

This is how pediatricians recommend safe co-sleeping with the baby

Co-sleeping is a fairly common practice among all families in the world. But what is the so-called safe co-sleeping? When is it recommended? In which cases is it not recommended? What are the best crib options to practice it? Find out now!
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11 beneficios de un sillón de lactancia o maternidad que no conocías

11 benefits of a nursing or maternity chair that you didn't know about

Having accessories that facilitate the care and comfort of mother and baby is essential. A key element that often goes unnoticed is the nursing or maternity chair. Beyond its main function, this piece of furniture has numerous benefits that you may not have known about.
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Cómo dormir a un bebé recién nacido: guía de consejos que funcionan

How to put a newborn baby to sleep: tips that work guide

If you are waiting for the arrival of your little one, but you are worried about how to put a newborn baby to sleep, this post is for you! We offer you a series of guidelines to follow to establish the sleep routine that your little one will need. You will appreciate it a lot!
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Aprende las claves para limpiar el colchón del bebé para una desinfección total

Learn the keys to cleaning the baby's mattress for total disinfection

Cleaning the mattress well is necessary to guarantee the baby's good rest, as well as avoid allergies and health problems. There are different products and home remedies to clean the baby's crib mattress effectively, depending on the type of stain.
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Cómo fijar una cuna de colecho en la cama de los padres para un colecho seguro

How to fix a co-sleeping crib to the parents' bed for safe co-sleeping

If you are pregnant and have recently purchased a co-sleeping crib for your baby and you still have doubts about how to attach it to the double bed, we are going to explain, step by step, the ideal way to attach this type of crib to the parents' bed. and may your little one sleep safely next to you.

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Las mejores cunas cama para bebes

[RANKING] The best cribs-beds for babies on the market!

Discover the benefits that the best baby crib beds on the market promise. We give you a review of the convertible cribs that future moms and dads like the most. So that they can be used for much longer.
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¿Que comprar para la llegada de un bebé?

¿Qué cosas hay que comprar para la llegada de un bebé? Lista de nacimiento

¡La emoción está en el aire y la cuenta regresiva ha comenzado! Estás a punto de embarcarte en una maravillosa aventura, la de dar la bienvenida a un nuevo miembro a la familia. Aquí va una lista de lo esencial para prepararte para este cambio en tu vida.
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Novedades Alondra 2024

The 3 new features of Alondra 2024 that you cannot miss

They have arrived! The novelties of the Alondra 2023/2024 catalog are here to stay, with products full of bright colors, charming designs and a good dose of joy.
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Qué es una cuna colecho y cuáles son sus beneficios

What is a co-sleeping crib and what are its benefits?

Co-sleeping, a practice that involves sharing a bed with a baby, has been a tradition in many cultures for centuries. It has evolved, and one of the safest and most comfortable ways to practice it is through a co-sleeping crib.
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Donde colocar la cuna en la habitación del bebé

[Alondra Responds] Where to put the baby's crib? The best place for your baby

Still don't know where to place the baby's crib before his arrival? Whether in your own room or in your parents' room, in the following post we give you some tips.
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Construcción creativa y narración: narrativas de construcción con materiales de construcción

Creative construction and storytelling: construction narratives with building materials

Let's let your imagination run wild! With construction toys your little one will be able to create their own narrative and tell their story. Stories that give you food for thought and lead you to some conclusions.
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Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los colchones viscoelásticos

Everything you need to know about memory foam mattresses

This type of memory foam mattress adjusts perfectly to the shape of the baby's body and relieves pressure, thus providing a much-needed restful rest. Find out more about them here!
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5 errores al escoger una barrera de seguridad para la cama del niño

Common mistakes when choosing the safety rail for children's beds

As babies make the big leap from the cot to a bigger bed, we want to make sure they're protected - that's where safety gates for children's beds come in, our nighttime helpers and protectors!
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Qué colchón de cuna recomiendan los pediatras

What crib mattress do pediatricians recommend?

Don't you know which mattress to choose for your baby? Here we tell you what advice pediatricians give us so that when buying a mattress for our little one's crib, we choose the best option and the one that best suits him, so that he rests comfortably and safely.
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cuna extensible crea TRE

¿Por qué una cuna extensible para niños es una opción que merece la pena que valores?

¿Quieres una camita para tu bebé que te dure muchos años y crezca tan rápido como él? Te contamos todo sobre la cuna-cama extensible para niños CREA TRE, una de las novedades más recientes de Alondra. ¡Descubre porqué es la ideal para los más peques de la casa!
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Crianza con apego entre madre y bebé

5 basic principles of attachment parenting and its benefits for the baby

The term attachment parenting groups together a series of guidelines and strategies necessary to strengthen the bond between mother (or breeder) and child: breastfeeding, babysitting and co-sleeping are some of them.
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Tips para organizar el armario del bebé y ganar espacio donde creías imposible

Tips to organize the baby's closet and gain space where you thought impossible

Here are some key tips for organizing your baby's closet to create a functional and tidy space that makes daily baby care easier and helps you keep everything in its place.

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Las mejores minicunas convertibles en cuna de 2021

The best convertible cribs in 2021

Discover the best convertible cribs from Alondra. Come in and take a look at the most versatile, functional, useful and durable convertible cribs so that you and your baby have the best possible experience when you get home. Which of them would you choose?
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3 modelos de cunas convertibles con cama nido

3 models of convertible cribs with trundle beds

Today we would like to present you with a selection of three incredible models of convertible cribs with trundle beds that will make your little one's bedroom transform as they grow. These cribs are the perfect solution to accompany your child in their development, offering functionality, comfort and a charming design.
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5 Tips para crear un rincón de lectura en la habitación infantil

5 Tips to create a reading corner in the children's room

At Alondra we give you a hand to help you create a place where you develop a very beautiful and special place, because reading doesn't have to be boring!
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