[Alondra answers] How to wash baby's cot linen?

consejos para lavar la ropa de cuna bebé

Washing cot linen is a chore that needs to be done frequently when we have a baby at home. However, it can be difficult to know how to do it correctly to keep the clothes in good condition and avoid damaging the baby's delicate skin. In this article, Silvia Milvaques, our textile expert tells us step by step how to wash cot linen effectively and without risk to your little one. So that they don't get damaged and last a long time, take note ;-)

Steps to follow to wash cot linen

First of all, you should bear in mind that you should check the labels on the garments to find out the manufacturer's recommendations. In addition to what they say, follow these general tips:

Separate the garments according to their colour and fabric. Whites and light colours should be washed separately from dark colours to avoid discolouration.

Wash garments in cold or lukewarm water, and use a mild, fragrance-free detergent. This will prevent irritation to baby's skin and protect the fibres of the garments.

Avoid using fabric softeners and bleaches. These products can be too harsh for baby's skin and damage the garments. Instead, you can add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to soften the clothes and remove any detergent residue.

Air dry or tumble dry on low heat. Avoid drying garments in direct sunlight as this can discolour and weaken the fibres.

Iron garments at a low temperature. If you feel it is necessary or would like to give them a more polished look, you can iron the garments to remove any creases, but be sure to do so at a low temperature to avoid damaging the fibres.

By following these tips, you can keep your clothes in good condition for longer and avoid damaging your little one's delicate skin. It is also important to remember that cleanliness and hygiene are essential for babies' health, so we must pay special attention to cot linen and wash it frequently. Don't hesitate to put these tips into practice and you will see the results!

"Now that you know how to wash cot linen effectively, we recommend that you take a look at our blog article: ""How to store and conserve baby clothes".

At Alondra we have baby clothes for all cot sizes, in different colours and styles.


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