This is how pediatricians recommend safe co-sleeping with the baby
Safeco-sleepingis a fairly common practice among all families in the world. Despite the fact that the term may seem quite recent,co-sleepingisa practice that has always been presentwhen it comes to caring for and pampering our little angels while we also try to rest.
For example, whenthey are very small, it is common to fallasleep with them in bed. Tiredness and sleepiness ofbothalways favor these situations. Also, when they are a littleolder and arrive at their parents' bed after a nightmare, sometimes it is difficult to send them back to their usual bed.
These realitiesare, after all, commonco-sleeping practices that most moms and dads in the world have experienced.The luck is that, atpresent,there are several ways to practiceco-sleepingin a much safer wayso that it does not entail any risk for the baby.
Forward! Do not cut yourself! We are going to see what the so-called safe co-sleeping is , when it is recommended, in which cases it is not recommended and what are the best options for an evolutionary cradle andmini cradleto practice it.
What is safe co-sleeping
Safeco-sleepingrefers to the practice of sleeping with the newborn baby, or not,giving it its own independent space , although next to the parents, to rest and sleep avoiding all kinds of risks. This own space for the little one provides him with a suitable rest environment designed specifically for him .
The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality in theClinical Practice Guide on breastfeedingrecommends that,in order to practiceco-sleepingsafely, a sidecar cribor a bed with theideal characteristics forco-sleeping is used .
Alondra advises you
Asidecar cribis one with which to practiceco-sleepingwith the crib attached to the parent's bed. Therefore,it must have specific characteristics and componentsthat allowthe cot to be attached to the large bed.
Safe co-sleeping: Benefits
The need to have closer contact with the mother is greater in the first months of the baby's life. Co-sleepingallows children to provide a quick response to this need.
Stay with these three advantages !
1. Tranquility
When the little one sleeps with you, he will be able to see you and feel closer. At that moment you will know that nothing bad can happen to you and, therefore, you will feel more relaxed .
In addition,co-sleepingincreases and reinforces the emotional bond between both parties. Caresses, massages or simple physical contact help calm any disturbance.
2. Rapid response for lactation
By having your little one by your side, the response time to breastfeed is shorter . This also reduces the time it takes for him to fall back to sleep, since his altered state hasn't been very long.
On the other hand, having it more "at hand" allows breastfeeding to last longer and can become,during the first months,the only source of food for the baby.
3. Improved sleep
As a consequence of the previous benefits, your little one's sleep will be more placid and lasting . The state of relaxation provided by being close allows both the babyandthe parents to sleep much better.
This is all very well, but how to dosafe co-sleepingwithout risks?
On the other hand, it also points out thatbreastfeeding the babyprotects againstSuddenInfant Death Syndrome . In fact, he points out thatcolecarfavors thisbreastfeeding practice.
Alondra's advice
At Alondra we always try to keep you informed about everything you need to know tosafeguard the safety of your little oneat all times. However, we know that there are more susceptible issues that you shouldconsult with medical personnel specializedin your pregnancy.
For this reason, we recommend you talk to the professionals handling your case before making a decision when deciding whether or not to practice co-sleeping.
In theClinical Practice Guideline on Breastfeeding, a series of guidelines to befollowedforsafe co-sleeping are specified :
It is recommended to practice it if the little one wasborn in thecommon estimated time, at term, and is healthy.
The baby shouldbe breastfed on demand.
Thatparents or adults do not smoke, even if it is not in the presence of the little one.
Parents or adultsdo not have to consume alcohol, drugs oranymedicationthat encourages a deeper sleep than usual.
Thelittle one has to lie on his back, neither on his side nor on his stomach.
Do not shelter or over-clothe the babyand that the temperature of the room is 20º maximum. For this, it is important to know how to shelter a baby to sleep .
Do not cover the head of the little one.Therefore,bedding accessoriesthat may cause this situation should be avoided, such as unsuitable duvets or pillows.
The baby should sleep on afirm, safe and clean surface.That is to say, that it cannot fall or get trapped between the bed and the headboard or the wall. Also, do not leave other utensils or things on the bed, such as toys. Nor is it recommended that a pet come to share the bed of the little one.
When it is NOT recommended to practice co-sleeping
TheAEP, in the same report(Co-sleeping, sudden infant death syndrome and Breastfeeding. Current consensus recommendations),points out thatco-sleepingis not recommended in some cases because it increases the risk ofSIDS.These assumptions are:
When infants areless than three months old.
When they arepremature or weigh littleat birth.
With parents who consume tobacco, alcohol, drugs orsedative drugs.
Whenthe parents are extremely tired, such as in the immediate postpartum period.
When co-sleeping is practiced onsurfaces that are too soft, on water mattresses, sofas or armchairs.
Whenthe bed is shared with other relatives, other children or with several people.
Mini cot and Alondra cribs suitable and designed for safe co-sleeping
At Alondra we are experts in creating evolutionary beds for the little ones in the house. Practical, versatile and functional cribs are our house specialty, that is why we adapt our furniture to the maximum so that they can cover various uses and stages of growth of babies .
Today, of course, it's up to our beautiful co-sleeping cribs ! You are going to fall in love!
EQUO 5 in 1 co-sleeping crib 50x80 cm
At Alondra we always recommend a mini-cribfor the baby's first months, since they are verymanageable and comfortable beds.The50x80 cm EQUOco-sleepingcribis the best for safe co -sleepingwith a newborn, since it allows you to have your baby close at all times during the day and, at night, attached to the parent's bed. Super safe for the little one.
Due to its measurements, it is veryeasy to transport andtemporarily install anywhere in the house where you are going to be. In addition, tomake the life of a new dad or mom a little easier, theEQUO cribincorporates four wheels, whichhave arubber band that prevents scratching the floorand prevents noise when moving it.
The EQUO mini criballows you to coverfive stages of your baby's growth. To begin with, you can use itas a conventional crib or to practiceco-sleeping. For this reason, it hasseven different bed base heightsand includes a set of anchoring straps so that the crib is perfectly attached to the bed.
After these two uses, you can turn it into a smallsofa, where your little one can spend their time playing or reading with maximum comfort.Also, you can transform the EQUO into adeskwhere your little angel can develop all his imagination and creativity from very early on. But, if you find it more practical, you can use it asa toy box,to store your most precious treasures;).
OMNI co-sleeping cot 5 in 1 60x120 cm
Another Alondraoptionto practice safe co-sleepingis the60×120 cm OMNIco-sleepingcradle. It is one of the little beds with the most possibilities of transformation, since it is also a 5 in 1.
As a conventional crib it is an excellent little bed and supereasy to transportbecause it incorporates rubber wheels. Its dimensions, not as large as the 70x140 cm cribs, allow it to also be moved around the house, in case at any time you need to keep an eye on your little one.
To use it as a co-sleeping crib, you must additionally purchase theOMNI co- sleepingkit, so don't forget to include it in your order! To perfectly adapt to the parents' bed, it hasfive bed base heightsthat, together with the kit, will allowthe crib to be anchored and secured forco-sleeping.
Once your baby is a little older and asks for a little more autonomy, you can transform his OMNI crib into achildren's bed. To reinforce the safety of the bed, you can also additionally purchase theAlondrachild barrier .
As a way totake advantage of the purchase of this barrier, the OMNI is transformed into achildren's sofa. For this use you must place the barrier downwards and thus cover the gap that may remain between the seat and the floor.
Finally, the crib becomes adeskwith the measurements that your little one will need once it starts to grow. You can have your own space for work or fun. And all this in just one piece of furniture!
The greatest advantage of the OMNI is thatits various transformation possibilitiesconsiderably extend its useful life. For this reason it is a verygood long-term investment. On the other hand, it isavery easy cribto assemble at home, so it is a perfect plan to do as a family.
If you are one of the Alondra moms or dads who are crazy about design and modernity, wooden co-sleeping cribs are your thing. You'll love theNEXO 60x120 cmco-sleepingcrib! Just like its little sisterNEXOR, with wood finishes, perfect for rooms with Nordic touches and the latest decoration fashion.
As standard it is acriband a desk, although, due to the philosophy that we follow at Alondra, we have managed to increase its possibilities of use, which is why it is a4 in 1.
First of all, apart from a conventional crib, you can use itto practiceco-sleeping, since it hasfive different bed base heights. But, for this, you must additionally purchase thesameco-sleepingkitthat we had with the OMNI,to ensure anchorage and the safety of the practice.
On the other hand, you can turn it into achildren's bed. It will be perfect tofacilitate the transition of your little one to the large90×200 cm bed. If you want to increase the safety of the bed you can additionally purchase the child barrier kit, also mentioned.
To finish the evolution of the crib, you can turn the NEXOinto a practicaldeskthat your little one can use until they need a larger one, if necessary.
As you have been able to verify, practicingsafe co-sleepingis currently much easier and safer thanks to the various cribs that we have in Alondra.In addition, now we also have much more information that facilitates the task of parenting. On the other hand, health professionals specialized in pregnancy and pediatrics are the best advisorsyou can have in those moments of doubt with your baby.Consult with your specialist and decide what is best for you! 💕.
Frequent questions:
What does the WHO say about co-sleeping?
Co-sleeping in children fed with human milk, without the risk factors mentioned and with parents responsible for implementing a safe sleep environment, does not increase the risk of sudden infant death. This guide does not exhaustively recommend the prohibition of co-sleeping.
How to do co-sleeping safely?
The baby should sleep on his back, never on his stomach or on his side. The mattress should be flat and firm. ... You shouldn't sleep on a sofa. You must verify that the baby cannot fall out of bed or get trapped in any gap.
When is it better to stop co-sleeping?
When is the ideal time? "There is no time, nor is there a specific age at which you should stop co-sleeping, since that is a decision of the couple or simply of the mother," explains Pamela Salinas Parra, postpartum doula, breastfeeding counselor and positive parenting guide
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