Co-sleeping cots for kids up to 3 years old

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    • Cunas 70x140 cm (3)
    • Cunas colecho (9)
    • Cunas Montessori (1)
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Co-sleeping cots that can be used up to 3 years of age

If you're thinking of co-sleep with your baby up to the age of 3, we recommend you to choose a co-sleeping cot of 70x140cm, which are more durable thanks to their size. In addition, these cots will accompany your baby up to 5-6 years of age, as they can be transformed into a cot, bed/sofa and/or desk. To be used for much longer!

Up to what age can co-sleeping cots be used?

The 70x140cm co-sleeping cots are larger than conventional cots. They have a side that can be completely removed to place the cot next to the double bed and practice co-sleeping. In this way, your baby can sleep next to you without any risk until they are approximately 3 years old. Furthermore, once you have finished co-sleeping, you can replace the rail and use it as a cot.

Once the baby can get out of the cot on its own (according to safety regulations), you can convert it into a junior bed or Montessori bed at ground level, so your baby can get in and out of the cot while being fully protected from a fall. Even when it is no longer used as a junior bed, you can convert it into a sofa or desk to complete the junior room.